Unboxing AI
Elinor Wahal

Unboxing AI. Understanding Artificial Intelligence

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La nostra città futura: Our Future City

Every Saturday, the newsletter that selects news from Italy and around the world to navigate the current events.


January - December 2024

Economy, Politics, History, Imaginaries, the next public initiatives of Fondazione Feltrinelli

January - December 2024

Economy, Politics, History, Imaginaries, the next public initiatives of Fondazione Feltrinelli

Selected for you

World views

Articles, inquiries and special editions


ebooks, books, archival sources



An inquiry on the future of publishing: what and how will we read next year?

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How do gender stereotypes appear? The answer of the sociologist Raewyn Connell

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The sources

The sources

Digital exhibitions: a travel among the archival sources of Fondazione Feltrinelli

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Voices and Stories
#Interviste e video pillole

Intervista a Benedetta Tobagi, Premio Campiello 2023

Interviste e video pillole |
Do you have a project in mind? Write to fondazione@fondazionefeltinelli.it
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