
City divide

Fighting urban inequalities

Tempo di lettura: minuti
City divide
Fighting urban inequalities
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Autore/i: A cura di Tommaso Vitale Editor: Fondazione Luogo di edizione: Milano Collana: Scenari Anno di pubblicazione: 2024 Tipo di materiale: Ricerca

A cura di Tommaso Vitale

How can we overcome inequalities in our cities?

In an era where urban inequalities seem inevitable, City Divide offers a critical and detailed perspective on the mechanisms that generate and perpetuate these disparities within urban contexts.
The volume explores various forms of urban and spatial inequality in modern cities, demonstrating that these inequalities are not inevitable but can be mitigated through targeted political and structural interventions. Crucial topics such as the housing crisis, climate change, the well-being of new generations, gender equality, and civic action are analyzed to highlight the importance of integrated and participatory policies necessary to address contemporary urban challenges and build fairer, more sustainable, and inclusive cities.
Through a series of essays curated by internationally renowned experts, the volume explores different types of urban-spatial inequalities, analyzing causes, effects, and possible solutions for a more equitable and sustainable future.
This volume is for urban planners, sociologists, policymakers, and citizens who wish to understand and tackle the challenges of urban inequalities with the goal of building fairer and more livable cities for all.
This publication is the result of the project “About a City. The city’s destiny” carried out in collaboration with the Polytechnic University of Milan and the European project Urbinat.

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