
Support Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli projects in two ways:

Through the acquisition of Fondazione Feltrinelli products in the dedicated store: iconic phrases, illustrations from our archives, quotes, images of the fantasy world of l’isolachenonc’è for kids
become objects to wear, messages to spread.

Become an active supporter of the Fondazione. Your contribution helps to power our actovoties
of social research and to build a new citizenship space together.

Discover Fondazione Feltrinelli products:


Discover Fondazione Feltrinelli products

Iconic phrases, illustrations from our archives, all become messages to wear and to spread

Discover our product line:
from T-shirts to cups, bags and water bottles.
Every purchase helps our activity
of research and
cultural initiatives.

Explore the store

the Fondazione:


Support Fondazione Feltrinelli

Amici della Fondazione: donations, 5×1000, Save the Book

To support us means to become a part of a dynamic and innovative project, and part of a community interested in
actively participating to the
debates and challenges of
today’s societal transformations.

Donate now

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