Research Observatories

We enter into the phenomena of the present and the transformations that influence our society, combining historical perspective and interdisciplinary dialogue.

Our research activities move between eight observatories and four large thematic areas, on which we work together with scientific committees and national and international networks with the idea of ​​better understanding the world we live in, designing together a more flourishing tomorrow for all, tracing the sparks of a possible alternative.


To get to the root of the issues

The past as living matter, which warns and orientates. We delve deeply into the problems that characterize our time to reveal, through the study of sources, documents, texts, the origin of what we experience today and rediscover ourselves as a society in constant movement.

Observatory on History and Memory

Observatory on History and Memory

Investigate the collective memory, through a multidisciplinary perspective. Look “backwards” to find suggestions, images, words that give our present the chance to think of a different tomorrow

Obervatory on History and Memory


To raise aware citizens

We look at new forms of political representation and the future of the job market to build an aware active citizenship, ready to navigate the challenges of the present and future.

Observatory on Democracy

Study the political and social phenomena in the contest of the democracy crisis in Europe and not only. Analysing the role of the new and social media in the re-definition of the public sphere and new types of active participation.
Observatory on Democracy

Observatory on Democracy

Observatory on the Future of Work Conditions

Explore the changes in the world of work and the new skills required by the market, with particular attention to technological and sustainable innovation and the way in which this modifies the current scenario.

Observatory on the Future of Work

Obervatory on the Future of Work


For a more fair and sustainable economy

We analyze the impacts of capitalism and the geopolitics of wealth and poverty. The goal is to understand global dynamics and how Europe can address these changes. We aim for a more fair, inclusive and sustainable capitalism.

Observatory on New Economies

Observatory on New Economies

It moves through the transformations that change the characteristics of the market on a global level. It examines the current and future trends of new economies, stimulating reflection on public policies capable of encouraging fairer and more inclusive production systems.
Observatory on New Economies

Observatory on Cities and Urban Transformation

Observatory on Cities and Urban Transformation

It looks at the ecological, social and economic vulnerabilities of urban areas. It monitors and promotes projects, practices, policies that suggest possible solutions and alternatives to the problematic conditions of today’s cities. It is committed to redesigning models of shared spaces and sustainable communities.

Observatory on Cities and Urban Transformation

Observatory on Ideas and Practices for a Sustainable Future

Observatory on Ideas and Practices for a Sustainable Future

It addresses the environmental, economic and productive challenges of contemporary times. It aims to reformulate the relationship between people and the environment, combining justice and innovation. It explores solutions for a sustainable future and promotes ecological and responsible practices.

Observatory on Ideas and Practices for a Sustainable Future

Observatory on the Future of Publishing

Observatory on the Future of Publishing

It focuses on the challenges, opportunities and critical aspects of the publishing landscape at the time of the digital transition. It involves an interdisciplinary working group, including teachers and professionals, which aims to revolutionize the mechanisms of production, distribution and use of cultural content.

Observatory on the Future of Publishing


To make your voice heard

With inquiries dedicated to the “Sustainable Future” and the “Imaginaries”, we want to give voice to those who fight for a greener and more sustainable future and to those who use creativity and imagination to express a different vision of the world.

Observatory on Imaginaries

It gives space to symbolic and cultural representations capable of shaping ideas and perspectives. It focuses on collective imaginaries, narratives, visual representations and the ability they have to contribute to the construction of identity and a sense of belonging.

Observatory on Imaginaries

Observatory on Imaginaries

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