
Observatory on Ideas and Practices for a Sustainable Future

Redefining a new relationship with the planet and its resources is urgent and necessary. The Observatory on Ideas and Practices for a Sustainable Future looks at the challenges that arise from the interactions between people and the places they inhabit. The goal is to investigate long-term effects and identify tools and policies for a sustainability proposal.

Research areas:
  • Ecological economic transition
  • Sustainbale management of natural resources
  • Technological innovation and sustainability
  • Social economy and cooperation
  • Environmental and social justice
  • Sustainable development of cities
  • Virtuous transformation of the cities
  • Water management in urban spaces
  • Valorization of social practices and technological innovations for sustainability
  • Food access and redesign of sustainable food production and consumption systems

What are the Observatory activities?

Addresses the environmental, economic and productive aspects that affect the quality of life of citizens. It aims to restructure the relationship we have with the planet, in the belief that an approach consistent with the principles of environmental and social justice, supported by technological innovation, can give rise to participatory, innovative and sustainable transitional practices.

The Observatory develops its activities and thematic reflection trajectories through cycles of meetings, workshops and cultural initiatives. Among which: la stagione alternativa 2019/2020, il FeltrinelliCamp, Move On e le conseguenze del futuro. L’Osservatorio collabora con una vasta rete di realtà nazionali ed internazionali, tra cui URBINAT, il Milan Center for Food Law and Policy, l’Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna, Green Office Politecnico di Torino, l’Osservatorio Nazionale Sharing Mobility, la Rete delle Università per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile, l’Alleanza italiana per lo sviluppo sostenibile, The European Centre for Development Policy Management e Best4Food, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca.

The objectives


  • Redefine a new relationship with the planet and its resources: the Observatory aims to redefine the relationship between humans and the planet by promoting a more sustainable approach based on environmental and social justice.
  • Promote an approach consistent with the principles of environmental and social justice: the Observatory aims to promote an approach consistent with the principles of environmental and social justice, supported by technological innovation, to foster a transition to more sustainable production and consumption patterns.
  • Develop participatory, innovative, and sustainable transition practices: the Observatory is committed to promoting participatory, innovative, and sustainable transition practices to foster efficient and conscious management of natural resources and to help build a more sustainable future.
  • Create activities and trajectories of thematic reflection through cycles of meetings, workshops and cultural initiatives: the Observatory develops activities and trajectories of thematic reflection through cycles of meetings, workshops and cultural initiatives, in order to promote knowledge sharing and deepening of sustainability issues.
  • Collaborate with a wide network of national and international entities: the Observatory collaborates with a wide network of national and international entities, including universities, businesses, institutions and nongovernmental organizations, in order to foster knowledge and experience sharing and to promote international cooperation for sustainability.


  • URBINAT (Urban Innovative & Inclusive Nature), progetto europeo finalizzato alla progettazione e implementazione di Nature-Based Solution
  • Milan Center for Food Law and Policy
  • Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna
  • Green Office Politecnico di Torino
  • Osservatorio Nazionale Sharing Mobility
  • RUS, Rete delle Università per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile
  • ASVIS, Alleanza italiana per lo sviluppo sostenibile
  • ECDPM, The European Centre for Development Policy Management
  • Best4Food, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca

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