
Observatory on Democracy

Looks at the transformations of the contemporary politics. Focuses on the possible evolutions of the process of European integration, develops a comparison of the conditions that can allow the political parties and the intermediary bodies to recover their inclusive dimension of social issues and studies the transformations of political communication and the role of social media.

What are the Observatory activities?

The research area on Political Innovation is concerned with the analysis of the transformations taking place in contemporary democracy. Democracy, as we know it, is undergoing a process of profound redefinition due to changes in international politics, the economy, society, and the development and impact of technologies on our lives. It faces a number of challenges, such as growing public disaffection with politics, economic and social uncertainty, political polarization, and the spread of fake news. In this context, political innovation presents an opportunity to rethink the functioning of democracy, making it more participatory, transparent and effective.

The objectives


  • Understand the transformations regarding the “intermediary bodies“, the characteristics of new political subjects and the new participation of citizens to the public life;
  • Understand the political and social phenomena that are emerging in Europe and across the world in the context of the representative democracy crisis;
  • Comprehend the role of the new and social media in the re-definition of the public sphere, and how they allow the young generations to participate to the public sphere activities.


  • Columbia University
  • Università degli Studi di Milano
  • Centro Estudos Sociais de l’Universidade de Coimbra
  • Heinrich Böll Stiftung
  • European University Institute
  • Green European Foundation
  • Sciences Po
  • Fundación Chile 21
  • London School of Economics
  • Université Paris VIII
  • LUISS Guido Carli

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