
Observatory on Cities and Urban Transformation

It investigates the geographies of the places where we will live. The goal is to contribute to the well-being of the citizens and to the progress of society, as well as to regenerate and revitalize territories, promote development and territorial cohesion, and encourage government measures for social justice and the ecological transition of cities and territories.

What are the Observatory activities?

The research area Cities and Territories is the area of work in which the Giangiacomo Feltrinelli Foundation is dedicated to the study and investigation of the historical and social transformations that began during the twentieth century and that still influence the present time.

photographie en contre-plongée d'un immeuble de grande hauteur gris

One of the themes of the research is the city, taken into consideration as a privileged laboratory in which to investigate the experiences that give substance to the concept of citizenship, also in relation to the migratory phenomena that are affecting Europe in recent years. Another pivotal theme is that of rights, understood as the set of norms that regulate coexistence and that require, for this reason, constant attention to their negotiation.

The objectives


  • Understand contemporary urban transformations critically, comparing the world’s urban landscapes;
  • Monitor and promote projects, practices, policies that suggest solutions and possible alternatives to problematic conditions;
  • Connect virtuous experiences in networks and with possible degrees of formalization;
  • Disseminate creative and multiple manifestations of collective intelligence united by the desire to produce inclusive spaces of citizenship.


  • DASTU, Politecnico di Milano;
  • Dipartimento Di Eccellenza Sul Tema Delle “Fragilità Territoriali” del DASTU, Politecnico di Milano;
  • Università degli studi Roma Tre;
  • Università degli studi di Catania;
  • Regione Lombardia Forum Disuguaglianze e Diversità;
  • Fondazione Cariplo;
  • Lo Stato dei Luoghi;
  • Sciences Po;
  • Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona;
  • URBINAT (Urban Innovative & Inclusive Nature);
  • Direzione Generale, Politica regionale e urbana della Commissione Europea;
  • Columbia University;
  • UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose;
  • Council of Urban Initiatives.

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