Documents, photographs, posters, flyers, banners, volumes. Our archive is a resource for anyone interested in exploring the cultural heritage and getting closer to the protagonists of political, economic, and social history of the last two centuries. From here, you can navigate through collections, consult descriptive records, and use search tools to find specific information.

They range from personal and family archives (such as the Feltrinelli Family, Luciano Barca, Felice Cavallotti, Angelo Tasca, Rinaldo Rigola, Pietro Secchia, Paolo Sylos Labini, Tomás Maldonado, Leo Valiani funds) to the archives of organizations, institutions, and businesses (Feltrinelli Institute Library, Italian Communist Party – Milan Section). They also encompass documentary collections (Fernando Murillo Viaña on Chile in the 1970s and 1980s, the Solidarity movement and committees in Italy in support of the Polish movement, documentation related to the Prague Spring, the fund on democratic movements in contemporary China, the fund on the Italian New Left), as well as posters and banners (Italian, French, and German 1848, caricatures and posters from the Paris Commune, Italian political and electoral posters from the post-war period, the Alberto Sandretti Collection of Soviet posters, comprising over 4,000 pieces from the 1920s to the end of the USSR).
To access online inventories, you can:
- Explore the fund following a hierarchical structure: This aids in understanding the organization of documentary materials and allows easy navigation between series and subseries.
- Browse through descriptive records: At each level of the fund, a descriptive record provides details about the materials contained in that section.
- Use search tools: Free-text search allows you to look for specific information within the fund.
- Use the navigation menu: This allows for quick navigation between sections of the fund. You can also use reference tags to filter and directly access the content that interests you.

Digital Archive
Discover the intersection of the past and present through our online archival paths. Embark on a journey through characters, themes, ideas, and words that have shaped contemporary discussions; a way to trace history through the rich archival and bibliographic heritage of the Foundation.
You can navigate through the Angelo Tasca, Pietro Secchia, Luciano Barca, Tomás Maldonado, and PCI – Milanese Federation funds. Through carefully selected guided itineraries and sources, you will have the opportunity to encounter relevant, curious, and unexpected documents, as well as access complete inventories for an even more in-depth research experience.
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Libertad de informacion is a cartoon from the Chilean magazine «Punto Final», which satirizes the regime of Pinochet in Chile. You can explore this and other significant documents from the archive by browsing the digital exhibition routes.
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